Harmonised Regional Seas Assessment Tool for statistical analysis of AMAP time-series data
What is HARSAT
HARSAT (Harmonised Regional Seas Assessment Tool), is a tool that is applied by The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) and the OSPAR Commission (OSPAR) for the assessment of data concerning contaminants (hazardous substances) and their effects in the marine environment.
HARSAT code includes tools for pre-processing data, statistical trend analysis and comparison with threshold values, and post-processing for archiving and reporting.
HARSAT is developed in statistical computing language R. R is available for most operating systems and can be downloaded from the R-project website.

HARSAT releases:
HARSAT version 1.0.1 (18 April 2024 - Latest release)
HARSAT version 1.0.0 (12 January 2024)
HARSAT Documentation:
General Statistical Method Description
FAQ and Known Issues:
[under development]
AMAP HARSAT Reference Table Sets: